A canvas with mixed acrylic paint. Shot 1:1 using a Vivitar 285 and a make-shift soft box. The specular highlights were very difficult to control because of the various angles, as well as the glossiness of the paint. I love the colors though, so many more attempts in due time.
Close up of my high school class ring cross country emblem shot in studio on chrome. I liked the light on the upper body of the he/she. I shot this with speedo strobes, with the light over top shooting through a diffusion screen with fill cards below reflecting upwards. 4:1 ratio.
Nikon FM2 on Fujichrome ISO:100 (old film, actually around 75) F/16 @ 1/60th 105mm lens all out w/ 190mm of extension
The nozzle of a squirt bottle. I have been trying to capture a bit of action in my recent macro set-ups, so I attempted at freezing the water coming out. Therefore, I used a vivitar 285 set on manual, and fill cards for the opposite side. 2:1 ratio.
A matchstick photographed in my apartment using Alien Bee strobes on either side, with gobo's flagging light off of the background. Depth of field was shallow, but I felt the actual flame carried the image. Around 2:1 ratio.
A piece of toenail just after being detached from the toe. A product of Hematoma, which caused the nail to fall off in its own time. This was shot with Alien Bee strobes, and tissue paper as a soft box. 4:1 ratio.